These Stick and Stitch packs come with 10 designs that range from beginner to advanced beginner. Choose between floral, and stems.
To use, simply peel the backing off and place the sticky side onto the fabric. Stitch the pattern by filling it into simply stitching the outline. Knowledge of how to do basic stitches is helpful, as there are no stitching instructions included. When finished, submerge in a bowl of warm water until the pattern paper dissolves. Use your fingers to gently help peel away if necessary. Allow to air dry.
When washing the item in the future, it is recommended to either hand wash, or machine wash on gentle with the item inside a garment bag.
When choosing what to embroider on, choose items that have little to no stretch, such as cotton and linen. Suggestions include jean jacket, pants pockets, linen tea towels, pillow cases, and cotton market bags.
Remember to search inspiration and share your finished projects at #alittlenestpattern on Instagram.